Italian Lessons

I am an American. I talk loud. I credit this (blame?) to being raised with everyone around me talking loud and laughing loud. We don't consider it loud -- it's just the way we communicate. Those who are unexposed to non-Americans truly do not know there is any other way.

As I learned by working in a multi-cultural environment, I also 'listen loud' -- meaning that I can't hear the words when people speak in a soft voice. The natural volume for many of my teammates is very soft and gentle, and it is truly a Seinfeldian experience at times (thank goodness, no puffy shirts  in sight!).

But one thing I do not want to be when I travel is an Ugly American -- the loud one who speaks louder and louder in English until the (foreign speaking) listening gets the message. And to that end, I'm taking Italian lessons.

Italian language lessons.  (I'll save the cooking lessons for my trip.)