View from the Treno

I was becoming very tired, very sleepy, and like the Asian chick across the aisle I put my head on the tavalo ... I think I fell asleep for moments at a time.

It was very dark, I think we went through tunnels for miles at a time, and periodically we blew through towns and villages. I started seeing palm trees and knew we were close to the Med. The landscape was hilly, sometimes steep, I could tell only by the lights in the buildings and sometimes the streets I could see. Perhaps it was my fatigue or the speed of the treno, but I could swear that some of those buildings perched on those inclines were slanted... meaning the floors in the apartments I was looking into were radically leaning to one side or another.  I could be wrong -- it's happened.

A quick blow through, a hurried glance up a street, cars parked at an angle against four-story buildings, stop lights and street lights... Could have been Anytown USA, except all the cars were small and there were no SUVs.

The treno to Genoa was very fast and after two stops we were there.