By this time wearing the mask (and shield) is becoming exhausting. The force of suckage I have to mount per breath is less if I remove the shield, but then my paranoia kicks in and I imagine European COVID flocking to North American eyeballs for a bit of strange.
I find a cup of hot tea and wait the 40 minutes until we start boarding for Madrid. Again, this KLM flight is maintaining distancing, so I actually had a row all to myself.
The pilot was a hoot. He started every announcement with "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls". (He left off "children of all ages" but perhaps he's never been to the Ringling Brothers B&B Circus. RIP)
This KLM flight is 2 hours and they come through immediately with a cute little breakfast. Just enough... seriously, who actually needs Big American Breakfast?
When we arrived in Madrid there was no additional border control, but there was the Health Disclosure to contend with. Due to this we were forced through a hastily erected maze to some officials who either scanned our QR Code or gathered our paper documents. Then through the double doors to baggage.
And voila, just like that, I'm on the ground in Madrid! Hooray!
Isn’t this the sweetest little breakfast… and checkout that cute little water… Though I’m not sure Greta T would be happy with that single use plastic transporting 3oz of water