Water, water....

During the day on Monday the local government sent announced that on Wednesday in downtown San Jose a water main is being replaced (water maintenance, yay!) and many people will be affected. No water 6 am to 9 pm. Aliarse jumped into action, determining how far afield the turnoff would be, and looking for alternate locations to host our days of class.

As they searched farther and farther afield, it was determined that 1/2 a million people -- 10% of the population -- and much of the central valley -- would be without water. For 15 hours.

So, Derek jumped into action and petitioned Aliarse management for an excursion for us -- so that we would be fed, have water, and see some of the country. We went home hoping he gets the daytrip approval.

We took a stroll before dinner to the grocery store, where I picked up two different types of CR beer. Hey! Gotta shop locally, right? And we sat in the covered courtyard after dinner discussing what we'd learned.

It’s a great group of very mindful, professional folks and I think we’ve just about solved all the problems of the world so far this week.